Gender/Queer e.V. unites different people and a diversity of opinions. It is important to us that everyone has the same right to an opinion and to express it freely. Everyone is encouraged to share their ideas and turn them into actions as a member of Gender/Queer.
Become a member and support us financially.
Become a member and have a say.
Become a member and take action.
Join us if you feel like implementing projects.
for example discussion groups, brochures, comics, posters, demos
Projects that are feminist and queer.
Projects that are inclusive.
Projects that are anti-racist.
Projects that are anti-class and unjust economy.
Projects that are for all genders. And sex-positive projects.
And all of these at the same time!
Gender/queer is what members want.
Decisions are made together, in a power-sensitive, democratic way.
All projects should reduce social inequality.
They should work against structural discrimination and violence.